Friday, September 12, 2008

Sneak Peek

Well, it's official!
I am now Mrs. Alfreds!!! Yippee!!!

I didn't want to post snapshots, I'd rather wait for the professional photos, but that seems to be taking an eternity to happen! Not to mention that due to Fay, we are having to do Day After shots for the outdoor pictures. Maybe we will have those by Christmas!!!

So...I thought I would post some sneak peeks here to at least update the blog!

This is a shot from our "after rehearsal dinner" (there was no formal rehearsal- who needed one for no wedding party???) given by Matt's parents at Wynlakes. It was beautiful and the food (what little I could eat) was FAB. I was so incredibly NERVOUS because HE was nervous! Otherwise, it would have been a cakewalk!! MR. Big and Carrie didn't do me any favors either- Rhea told me not to go see that movie and I went anyway!

Notice the pearls...I had purchased what I had been told was an authentic pair of 60 inch baroque pearls from ebay for $30!!! The guy at the jewelry store told me they were real freshwater pearls. Which meant they had ridges in them- not ideal but for $30 who could beat it??? I was SO proud. surprisingly romantic fiance who KNEW what I was doing when I purchased what I lovingly referred to as my "Ebay pearls" takes me aside at the dinner and CUTS THEM OFF OF ME with a butcher knife from the kitchen!!! OMG!!! Freaked out! He immediately replaces them with a pair of the most BEE-U-TEE-FUL pair of smooth 60 inch pearls from Cronier's- not ebay!!! What a guy! He has never purchased ANY jewelry for me in the 5 years we have been together (until my ring) KNOWING full well how much I LOVE IT!

Sweet huh? Needless to say, most of my nerves vanished at that point. I mean, would someone that wasn't going to show up at the church do something like that???

Here is a shot of the inside of Children's Harbor Chapel (no outside shots obviously due to the torrential rain-trees were falling). Jackie Gaut from Dana's Floral Design is FABULOUS! Highly recommend her for ANYTHING you need! So creative and such a joy to work with!

Close up of the wreaths (a little fuzzy):

And this is my bouquet:

Best part will look JUST LIKE THIS FOREVER! (another fuzzy)...Which comes in very handy now that I have to redo pictures!!!

On to the Reception...

This is my table of "signature" drinks, Yummy Pomegranate Martinis (thanks for the introduction, Jennifer) :

I must add that the flowers above were from the Rehearsal Dinner and were provided by Al of Al's in Cloverdale. Thanks Rhea!

Up next...YUMMY cakes from Peggy McKinney of McKinney Cakes:

The bride's cake was a recreation of the design on my Swoozies reception invitation.
Didn't she do a great job? And it was OH SO GOOD!

Matt's Cake:

The top layer was his favorite yellow cake and the bottom was the crowd pleaser McKinney peanut butter fudge!!!

Here are the John Bonham replica drums that were on his table:

And finally, the basketball game that I purchased so that the guys would have something fun to do- it was a hit, lines waiting to shoot all night!:

They could also play corn-hole (?), a.k.a. tailgate toss with Matt's new Colt's wooden game and poker if they wanted.

There were also many GREAT photos taken in the make a memory polaroid section:

Anyway...until I get better shots, this is it!!!

Next up...HONEYMOON!